How can I actually enjoy Motherhood?How can I stop having so many crappy days?How can I stop feeling overwhelm and guilt?How can I have a good day even when everything is going wrong?

FREE copy of my Self Care Menu!

Welcome to Extraordinarily Normal

Where I help you turn the ordinary and let’s be honest sometimes boring tasks of life and motherhood, into EXTRAORDINARY experiences for you and your kids. I’m your host, Megan Milakovic! I’m a wife, a mom to three crazy boys, and a successful entrepreneur. Most of the time you’ll find me in yesterday’s outfit. And while I may not get enough showers during the week, I’ve learned how to reclaim joy in my motherhood, even on the hard days. And I want to teach you how to do the same. I’m on a mission to help moms stop wishing away the day and start finding true joy in all the little moments.

Episode 23: Self Care Menu
Episode 22: Tips for enjoying your life more
Episode 21: You have to decide
Episode 20: Simple steps to overcome overwhelm

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